Ponoka Family & Community Support Services

Friendly Visitor

Why We Visit

At some time in our lives, we may all experience loneliness or isolation. Many of us have someone to help us through those times, but for some, loneliness can become long-standing. We are here to help!

The goal of this program is to provide people with a friend who will visit and help through the lonely times. We visit because we care about the community, and we know that when we are in contact with a friend we don’t feel so isolated. We believe that quality of life is important. We want people to know there is someone who cares and someone who will share the ups and downs with them.

Who We Visit

Some of those who need friends have family members far away, friendships circles may have shrunk over time, or illness or decreased mobility may make it hard to maintain contacts. As a result, some people find themselves quite isolated. But loneliness is not limited to the elderly. The list could go on, and in our mobile world it is becoming increasingly easy to be isolated. This program is available to any person in need of a Friendly Visitor.

How We Visit

As a recipient, you will be matched with a volunteer. The match will take place only after the Program Coordinator has met with both you and the volunteer. Every attempt will be made to ensure a compatible match and that visiting will be pleasant for both parties. However, upon visiting, if you find that you are not comfortable for any reason, contact the Program Coordinator to find a different match and discuss concerns. Though each situation varies, we generally suggest that you visit regularly, once a week for about an hour. Sometimes it is helpful if a mutually agreeable day of the week is set aside. It takes time to build a friendship. Accept each other as you are, and a great trusting relationship will develop.

You Are Not Alone

You will receive ongoing support from the Program Coordinator. Feel free to call her at 403-783-4462 at any time.

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